Electron Paramagnetic Resonance

The EPR Facility is located in Welch Hall 4.402.

Reserve Time

To reserve time on the Bruker EMXPlus EPR Spectrometer:

  • Visit the Faces Scheduling System and select the day and time you wish to reserve.
  • Time slots appearing in red are already reserved.
  • Reservations may be made up to six months in advance and are available in one-hour blocks.
  • To obtain a login, send an email to epr-facilities@utexas.edu. Please include your name, advisor’s name, department and email address.


  Technician-assisted /h User-only /h Training
UT members $40 $30 $100
External non-profit users $60 $60 $100
External profit users $100 $150 $100

We will provide Liquid N2 for low-temperature measurements. The charge for liquid N2 is $5/day.




Available Cavities

Standard (X-band)

Useful for samples with strong EPR signals and teaching applications
Compatible with variable temperature unit
Accommodates tubes up to 10 mm o.d. (4 mm o.d. tubes with temperature control systems)

High Sensitivity (X-band)

Useful for most research applications
Compatible with variable temperature unit, helium temperature control system, goniometer, marker assembly, and AquaX cell.
Accommodates tubes up to 10 mm o.d. (4 mm o.d. tubes with temperature control systems)

Dual Mode (X-band)

Capable of performing perpendicular and parallel mode EPR experiments.
Useful for systems exhibiting integer spins (non-Kramer systems)
Compatible with variable temperature unit
Accommodates tubes up to 10 mm o.d. (4 mm o.d. tubes with temperature control systems)

Optical Transmission (X-band)

Useful for simultaneous UV/Visible irradiation of samples during EPR experiments
Accommodates tubes up to 10 mm o.d.

CW-ENDOR (X-band)

Continuous wave electron-nuclear double resonance spectroscopy
Useful for identification of nuclei responsible for particular hyperfine splitting, in combination with complex EPR spectra to simplify spectral assignment and in studies of relaxation phenomena
Compatible with variable temperature unit
Accommodates tubes up to 4 mm o.d.


For investigation of samples at Q-band (34 GHz)
Useful for simplification of spectra with large zero field splitting and high sensitivity for smaller samples
Compatible with helium temperature control system
Accommodates tubes up to 3 mm o.d.


Temperature Control Systems

Variable Temperature Unit

Liquid nitrogen system with accessible temperature range of 100 K to 500 K
Useful for obtaining low and high temperature spectra and kinetic studies
Computer controlled temperature settings
Compatible with standard, high sensitivity, and CW-ENDOR cavities
Accommodates tubes up to 4 mm o.d.

Helium Temperature Control System

Liquid helium system with accessible temperature range 3.8 K to 300 K
Useful for obtaining low temperature spectra and kinetic studies
May also be used with liquid nitrogen with reduced temperature range
Manually controlled temperature settings at interface
Compatible with high sensitivity and Q-band cavities
Accommodates tubes up to 4 mm o.d. (2 mm o.d. in Q-band)

Available Accessories

Programmable 1-Axis Goniometer

Computer-controlled motor for positioning the sample with an angular resolution of 0.125 degree and a reproducibility of 0.5 degrees, independent of the direction of rotation.
Useful for measuring EPR spectra of single crystals as a function of their angular position in the magnetic field
Compatible with the helium temperature control system, variable temperature unit, and high sensitivity cavity

AquaX Aqueous Mixing Solution Cell

A multiple-bore design of closely spaced capillaries
Useful for continuous flow measurements and can provide greater sensitivity than capillary tubes
Compatible with high-sensitivity cavity

Marker Assembly

Provides EPR signal for precise field determination and signal amplitude standard
Compatible with high-sensitivity cavity

Sample Tubes

Quartz sample tubes must be provided by the individual user. Tubes with a variety of closures are available to accommodate most samples. Tubes with 4 mm o.d. are suitable for most applications using X-band.


The EPR spectrometer is located in WEL 4.402. If you have questions, please email sgoralsk@utexas.edu.

To obtain a login, send an email to sgoralsk@utexas.edu. Please include your name, advisor’s name, department and email address. Training sessions will be held on request.