
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance


The facility houses a Bruker EMX Plus spectrometer with X-band, Q-band, ENDOR and variable temperature capabilities.

Learn more and reserve time


Sean Goralski

Lab Assistant, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Facility

Graduate student in Inorganic Chemistry, The Rose Research Group

Office: WEL 4.410


Glass Shop


Monday through Friday from 7:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. Confirm visit via phone or email.

WEL 2.146


  • Fabrication, modification, and repair of scientific apparatuses
  • Manipulation of glass tubing, from 1mm to 150mm
  • Cutting/drilling/grinding of glass tubing, flat glass, glass-like materials, and ceramics
  • Regular stock of joints, frits, stopcocks and tubing in quartz and borosilicate

Visit WEL 2.146 for a repair or consultation. Lab visits are possible, if needed.


Adam Kennedy

Instrument Design & Repair


Monday - Thursday: 6:30 am - 5:30 pm

Friday: Closed

Appointments required


WEL 2.130


Our primary purpose is the design and repair of electronic and electromechanical instruments. We repair lab equipment, mass spectrometers, x-ray equipment, lasers, power supplies and many other electronic/electromechanical devices. Instrument design capabilities include National Instruments LabVIEW, Microchip microprocessors, and printed circuit board (PCB) design, layout, and manufacture.


Tim Hooper
Technical Staff Assistant V

Mass Spectrometry


Hours of operation are 9 am - 6 pm Monday to Friday in Welch 4.226 (MS facility) and Welch 4.210 (office). Walk-up instruments in Welch 4.218 and NHB 5.342 are available 24/7 to trained users.


The Mass Spectrometry Facility (MSF) of the Department of Chemistry is a state-of-the-art facility that provides services to a large number of researchers.

The facility provides

  • Routine chemical and biological sample analysis
  • Training of students and postdoctoral associates to run the self-service equipment
  • Independent and collaborative research in mass spectrometry


Ian Riddington


Jong Doo Lim
Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate II

Mass Spectrometry Imaging Facility

MSI Facility Hours

Monday - Friday: 8:00 am to 4:30 pm

Appointments are strongly recommended.

Location: FNT B.101


The Mass Spectrometry Imaging (MSI) Facility in the Department of Chemistry is a CPRIT-funded facility that provides collaborative services in the following areas:

  • MALDI and DESI mass spectrometry imaging
  • Histology-guided mass spectrometry profiling
  • Biofluid/Cytology mass spectrometry profiling
  • Ultraviolet Photodissociation for identification of biomolecules (Coming early 2021)
  • Data and statistical analysis of imaging data

Learn more and reserve time


Erin Seeley

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Labs

Two instrument rooms are housed in the Norman Hackerman Building (NHB), 0.230 and 5.342; they make available open access NMR to the research community of the University of Texas at Austin.   Our instrumentation is comprised of 8 spectrometers from 400-600 MHz with standard liquids, MAS-solids and high-power diffusion capabilities as well as automated sample handling for liquids samples.   Most of the spectrometers are set up for walkup self-service on liquid samples.  The rooms are open 7am-7pm Monday-Friday and are accessible during nights and weekends with authorization (via key card entry). 

This NMR facility is run much like an industrial research facility; users are expected to run the instruments independently and request help from NMR specialists when they run into challenges.   Our Facility has two NMR spectroscopy specialists who’s role are to train and provide JIT (Just-In-Time) support to independent users, maintain and repair the instruments, and provide expertise when required for challenging samples and complex measurements.   If necessary, users may submit a sample request wherein staff take over the project to ensure it is run properly.  Links for initial training and sample requests are at the top of the page.

The NMR facility uses variable charge rates depending on who is running the instrument and whether or not it is during prime-time (9-6 daily).  

Initial Training

Service requests

NMR Rates 2024

$10/hr. - M-F 9 am-6 pm (daily prime time)

$7.50/hr. - M-Th - 6 pm-9 am & F 6 pm-M 9 am (nights and weekends)

$15/hr. - staff run (service requests)

$60/hr. - External requests

Note: External requests will also have a 26.5% surcharge applied to the total bill.  This fee covers overhead charges by the University.

Hourly NMR rates have a $10/mo. minimum

User time for Solids and High Power diffusion NMR experiments will now be billed from login to logout inclusive. Solid state NMR and high power diffusion experiments require extensive and lengthy setup/testing that are inseparable from the techniques. This overhead is included in usage logs and therefore automatically recorded.

In consideration, of the challenge of keeping an instrument actively acquiring data overnights and on weekends, extensive idle time during these periods will be ignored for logged-in users. We expect efficient use of system. Users should logout and release the instrument in a timely manner.

Usage rules and accounting protocols are written by the Department of Chemistry and NMR facility therein. They are subject to change without notice, but will be announced as necessary


The 5th Floor Lab (NHB 5.342) houses three spectrometers, all at 400MHz, with manual sample handling.  Sample shimming, locking and probe tuning are fully automated.  These walkup instruments are primarily users needing fast turn-a-round on their sample measurements.  Experiment time on the instruments is allocated through an on-line reservation system, NMR Calendar.

The Basement Lab (NHB 0.230) houses five spectrometers, two of which are used primarily by staff for service requests.  These are a solids 400MHz with high power diffusion capability and a liquids 600MHz with variable temperature and extended run times available upon request.  There are two fully automated systems (400MHz and 500MHz) equipped to handle unattended runs of up to 24 samples.  The automated 500MHz spectrometer is equipped with a high sensitivity LN2 cryo-probe for analysis of low-concentration samples. A general purpose 500MHz spectrometer with manual sample handling and automated shimming, locking and tuning, completes our selection of instrumentation.  


The NMR facility uses UT-IT supported applications, all of which are freely available. MS Office365 is used extensively for content and communication. NMR time slots can be reserved using a calendar hosted by UT-IT webservices.  A site license for MNOVA, commercial class NMR software developed by Mestrelab Research, is paid for by The Chemistry Department. Cloud based file storage is provided under the UT-Box environment, providing remote access to NMR data sets for local processing and analysis.


All users must be trained and checked out for clearance to use the facility. The basic training is a self-guided set of introductory material and basic operations for the 5th Floor Lab spectrometers.  Completion of this, followed by a formal checkout by facility staff will trigger creation of a user account on the NMR Calendar, an upgrade of the user’s University key-card to allow after hours, access to NHB and the NMR labs, access to the UT-Box NMR data folders and entry into the NMR_Users@utlists.utexas.edu which is used to push general announcements.   Additional training for the basement lab (higher-field instruments and autosamplers) and advanced techniques is available by request.


Scott Smith

Garrett Blake
Research Engineering/ Scientist Associate II

X-Ray Facility


8:30 am-5:30 pm, Monday through Friday

FNT B.104



The X-ray diffraction lab is a multi-functional facility that services the needs of the UT-Austin scientific community. For more information, visit the X-Ray Facility site.


Serhii Vasylevskyi

X-Ray Core Facility Director