News: Accolades


Zak Page Named a 2022 Cottrell Scholar

For Zachariah Page's research in materials chemistry, he has been selected as a 2022 Cottrell Scholar.

Portrait of a man


Chemistry Graduate Student Awards Showcase 2021


Three Natural Sciences Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

UT Austin assistant professors in the Department of Computer Science and Department of Chemistry have been selected for NSF CAREER awards.

Headshots of three scientists


Shagufta Shabbir Receives Clock Award

UT News

Jonathan Sessler Elected to National Academy of Sciences

Chemist Jonathan L. Sessler of The University of Texas at Austin has been elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the country’s most prestigious scientific organization. Election to it is one of the highest honors for American researchers.

Jonathan Sessler, in suit and tie, smiles and stands before white board with notes


Zak Page Receives 2021 RadLaunch Award