
Texas Scientist

Charging Ahead

Chemists and physicists are making steady progress on developing new materials that may prove key for our future energy needs.

Illustration of a lightning bolt containing cacti and a cloudy sky


Zak Page Named a 2022 Cottrell Scholar

For Zachariah Page's research in materials chemistry, he has been selected as a 2022 Cottrell Scholar.

Portrait of a man

UT News

David Vanden Bout Appointed Dean of the College of Natural Sciences

Vanden Bout has served in top College of Natural Sciences leadership posts since 2014, both as associate dean for undergraduate education and, since 2018, as senior associate dean, overseeing significant gains for students and for UT Austin resaerchers.

David Vanden Bout in tie in office in front of chemistry displays

UT News

Sodium-based Material Yields Stable Alternative to Lithium-ion Batteries

A new sodium-based battery material is highly stable, capable of recharging as quickly as a lithium-ion battery and might deliver more energy than current battery technologies.

Microscope images of the surface of two materials, one with noodle-like lumps and the other much smoother


New Model Reveals How Chromosomes Get Packed Up

The first theoretical model of condensin, a molecular machine involved in packing and unpacking chromosomes, accurately reproduces all known experiments with just two parameters.

Illustrations of a molecule in two states, open and closed


Chemistry Graduate Student Awards Showcase 2021


Electrochemistry Pioneer and Texas Science Legend Allen Bard Retires

Allen Bard chemist and founder of modern electrochemistry retires from The University of Texas at Austin.

Chemist Allen Bard in a turtleneck in front of a chalkboard with notes