

NMR Core Facility Receives NSF Grant


Chemistry Ph.D. Student Awarded Computational Science Graduate Fellowship

UT Austin student Alexia Hartzell has been named a recipient of the prestigious Department of Energy award.

A young woman with long hair smiles in a jacket and collared shirt with UT-themed graphics in the background.


College of Natural Sciences Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards

The awards from the National Science Foundation support innovative work by earlier-career faculty.

Photos of five faculty members around the logo of the National Science Foundation


Kurtis Carsch Joining Department


Bridging Chemistry and Physics on the Path to New Materials

Five questions with Allen J. Bard Center for Electrochemistry director Michael Rose.

Michael Rose sits between two lab benches on a rolling stool holding a model of a molecule


Cassandra Callmann Joining Department


Celebrating the 2024 College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Honored Graduates

Meet the graduating seniors being recognized for excellence in research, academics and improving the community.

Architectural detail featuring university shield on orange tinged background