News: Announcements

UT News

David Vanden Bout Appointed Dean of the College of Natural Sciences

Vanden Bout has served in top College of Natural Sciences leadership posts since 2014, both as associate dean for undergraduate education and, since 2018, as senior associate dean, overseeing significant gains for students and for UT Austin resaerchers.

David Vanden Bout in tie in office in front of chemistry displays


Electrochemistry Pioneer and Texas Science Legend Allen Bard Retires

Allen Bard chemist and founder of modern electrochemistry retires from The University of Texas at Austin.

Chemist Allen Bard in a turtleneck in front of a chalkboard with notes


Yi-Chih Lin Joining Department


Honoring the Life of Marye Anne Fox, Former VP for Research at UT Austin

Marye Anne Fox’s work has had applications in materials science, solar energy and environmental chemistry.

Portrait of a woman


Robert Newberry Joining Department


Devleena Samanta Joining Department


Hang Ren Joining Department