Awards received from August 2023-August 2024
Reena Al-Mualem (Baiz Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Eman Alasadi (Baiz Group)
- Mentoring Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Seth Allen (Roberts Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Collin Andrews (Iverson Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Mandira Banik (Lu Group)
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
Wren Berry (Milliron Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Whitney Besetzny (Lu Group)
- AAUW Dissertation Fellowship
- P.E.O. Scholar Award
Atri Bhattacharya (Samanta Group)
- Faraday Teaching Award
Mohammed Bhia (Smyth/Lu Group)
- CNS Visualizing Science Showcase People's Choice (Facebook Favorite)
Jeremy Brinker (Rose Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jamie Butalewicz (Brodbelt Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Danielle Cadena (Roberts Group)
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
Melanie Campbell (Brodbelt Group)
- International Mass Spectrometry Imaging Society Americas Outstanding Oral Presentation
- NIH T32 Fellowship
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Aubrey Caplin (Rose Group)
- Heinz-Gerischer Electrochemistry Symposium 2024 Travel Award
- Henze Teaching Award
Logan Carr
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Henry Cater (Page Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Juan Cervantes
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Calvin Chau (Sessler Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
Chikaodili Chukwuneke (Mullins Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
Caitlyn Cobb (Rose Group)
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
- Well-Being Awareness Fellowship
Diana Conrad (Anslyn/Milliron Group)
- Graduate Archer Fellowship
Emily Dick (Rose Group)
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Olivia Dioli (Brodbelt Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Rosalie Doerksen (Krische Group)
- Faraday Teaching Award
Lauren Ekeleme
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Robert Ellis (Webb Group)
- Walker Endowed Fellowship
- Well-Being Awareness Fellowship
Maddie Evarts (Krische Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Lara Fitzpatrick
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Torrick Fletcher
- Mentoring Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Zach Freeman
- Matsen Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Theoretical Chemistry
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Robert Gudgel
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Claire Hallock (Rose Group)
- Center for Electrochemistry (CEC) Student Scholar Fellowship
- Faraday Teaching Award
- Gerischer Symposium DOE Office of Science Travel Award
Alexia Hartzell (Raccah Group)
- Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship
- Graduate School Dean's Prestigious Supplement
Margaret Hebert (Roberts Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jessica Hellinger (Brodbelt Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Dorothea Hudson (Que Group)
- Eakin Endowed Centennial Fellowship
Lauralee Hurst
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Ginny James (Brodbelt Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Gabe Juarez (Sessler Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Kyle Juetten (Brodbelt Group)
- American Society for Mass Spectrometry Student Travel Award
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Rowan Kassim
- Graduate School South Texas Fellowship
Kenta Kawashima (Mullins Group)
- The Center for Electrochemistry CEC Conference Travel Grant
- The Electrochemical Society Texas Section Travel Grant
- Ethel Gene Kahmer Endowed Presidential Fellowship
- Henze Teaching Award
- MDPI Crystals 2024 Travel Award
Meghan Kiker (Page Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Sung Yeon Kim (Sessler Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Sam Lauro (Mullins Group)
- National Defense Science & Engineering Graduate Fellowship
- Graduate School Dean's Prestigious Supplement
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Seungheon Lee (Samanta Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
- Faraday Teaching Award
Alex Lin (Belardi Group)
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Yiwei Liu (Lu Group)
- Hahn Endowed Presidential Fellowship
- Walker Endowed Fellowship
August Longo (Lynd Group)
- M. White Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Chemistry
Jacob Lynd (Raccah Group)
- Henze Teaching Award
Diane Madeksho (Webb Group)
- NIH T32 Fellowship
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Alyssa Malto (Que Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Raul Marquez Montes (Mullins Group)
- ACS CATL-ChemCatBio Graduate Student Travel Award
- Chemistry Department Service Award
- ECS Edward G. Weston Summer Fellowship
- ECS Texas Section Travel Award, 244th ECS Meeting
- Jeff Byers Memorial Graduate Award in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
- National Science Foundation of Mexico International Graduate Fellowship
- Provost's Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- The Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Horizons Community Board Member
- The Royal Society for Chemistry #RSCPoster competition 2024 (1st place, Energy category)
- The Royal Society for Chemistry #RSCPosterPitch Award 2024
Keldy Mason (Page Group)
- Chemistry Department Summer Endowed Fellowship
- Robert Smith Davis and Lyall Pickett Davis Fellowship
Em Medlock
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Elias Mondaca Medina (Ren Group)
- Faraday Teaching Award
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Alex Monterde (Que Group)
- Well-Being Awareness Fellowship
Aja Nicely (Hull Group)
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
- Well-Being Awareness Fellowship
Sara Nixon (Samanta Group)
- NIH T32 Fellowship
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
Kofi Ofosu (Milliron Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
Satoshi Ohtsuka
- Matsen Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Theoretical Chemistry
Bipin Pandey (Anslyn Group)
- Welch Foundation Endowed Fellowship
Hyun Meen Park (Anslyn Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Erienne Peters
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Dana Pfaffinger (Krische Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Sky Price (Que Group)
- Chemistry Department Service Award
Aritra Roy (Lu Group)
- Faraday Teaching Award
Gabriella Ruiz (Rose Group)
- American Crystallographic Association Travel Award
- American Crystallographic Association Journal of Chemical Crystallography Poster Prize
- ACA Crystallography Summer School Travel Award
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
Connor Saludares (Krische Group)
- NIH Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research Predoctoral Fellowship
Joseph Sampson (Ren Group)
- Mentoring Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Victor Segui Barragan (Milliron Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Dana Sheehan
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jon Shezaf (Krische Group)
- Welch Foundation Endowed Fellowship
Kailee Shlipak
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Cory Silguero (Aubrey Group)
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Alli Smith (Mullins Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Dylan Snider (Samanta Group)
- Henze Teaching Award
Emmie Stumbo (Rose Group)
- Safety First Leadership Fellowship
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jacob Utley (Hull Group)
- Welch Foundation Endowed Fellowship
Rinish Reddy Vaidyula (Mullins Group)
- 2024-25 Chevron Energy Graduate Fellow
- Faraday Teaching Award
Carolina Vigil Hernandez (Humphrey Group)
- Henze Teaching Award
Tanner Volek (Roberts Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship
- Paul Robert DeGregory Memorial Endowed Fellowship in Chemistry
Jada Walker (Brodbelt Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
- Welch Foundation Endowed Fellowship
Jia’ao Wang (Henkelman Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jingxiang Wang (Lu Group)
- Chemistry Department Summer Endowed Fellowship
Yufei Wang (Ren Group)
- Graduate School Dissertation Writing Fellowship
Yuying Wang (Sessler Group)
- Henze Teaching Award
Ziqing Wang (Mullins Group)
- Graduate School Continuing Fellowship 2024/2025
Moriah Weiss
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
Sam Wenzel (Ren Group)
- Henze Teaching Award
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Scotty Wicker (Li Group)
- College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Strategic Fellowship
- NSF GRFP Fellow
- Graduate School Dean’s Prestigious Supplement
Wesley Wolfe (Hsu Group)
- NIH T32 Fellowship
Jessica Wu (Krische Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Xinyi Wu (Roberts Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Jian Yang (Sessler Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Izzy Zamborini (Callmann Group)
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Chuning Zhang
- Matsen Endowed Presidential Fellowship in Theoretical Chemistry
Joy Zhou (Page Group)
- Chemistry Department Service Award
- Provost’s Graduate Excellence Fellowship
Ben Zydlewski (Milliron Group)
- Donald D. Harrington Fellowship