Kami Hull

  • Associate Professor
  • Chemistry
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Professor Kami L. Hull received her B.A. degree in chemistry from Macalester College in 2003. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Michigan in 2009 working with Prof. Melanie Sanford. While there, she received several awards, including the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Fellowship and the Roche Award for Excellence in Organic Chemistry. Upon graduation, she moved to California as an NIH postdoctoral fellow in Prof. Barry M. Trost’s laboratory at Stanford University from 2009–2012. She joined the faculty at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the fall of 2012, where her research group focused on the development of and mechanistic studies of transition metal-catalyzed reactions. In August of 2018, Kami moved to the University of Texas at Austin as an Associate Professor of Chemistry where she is continuing her efforts towards the development of novel methodologies. In addition to being named one of C&E News’ Inaugural Talented Twelve, has been the recipient of a number of awards, including the NSF CAREER Award, Sloan Research Fellowship, the Amgen Young Investigator Award, and the Novartis Young Investigator Award.


Research Areas

  • Health Promotion or Disease Prevention

Fields of Interest

  • Inorganic Chemistry
  • Organic Chemistry