Andrei Straumanis

  • Associate Professor of Instruction
  • Chemistry
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Andrei Straumanis holds a B.A. from Oberlin College, and a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from Stanford University, where he worked with Professor Jim Collman on synthetic mimics of the active sites of cytochrome c and cytochrome p450. He is a co-founder of The POGIL Project, and until 2019 served as Consulting Scientist and Executive Editor for that organization, which is dedicated to supporting faculty implementing research-based teaching methods. Prior to this, he was on the faculty and taught chemistry at the University of Washington in Seattle and the College of Charleston. He is the author of several textbooks on math and chemistry and has given more than 100 talks and workshops on active learning and the use of cooperative, guided discovery instruction in large, flipped classrooms.


    • Bénéteau, C., Guadarrama, Z., Guerra, J.E., Lenz, L., Lewis, J.E., Straumanis, A., “POGIL in the Calculus Classroom”, PRIMUS (Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies), 2017, 27:6, p 579-597.
    • Straumanis, A. Classroom Implementation of Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning: A practical guide for instructors, 2016 (at
    • Straumanis, A., Bénéteau, C., Guadarrama, Z., Guerra, J.E., Lenz, L., Calculus 1: A Guided Inquiry, Wiley and Sons, New York, 2014.
    • Straumanis, A., Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry for Recitation, Volumes 1 & 2, Cengage, Boston, 2012.
    • Straumanis, A.; Ruder, S.M. “A Method for Writing Open-Ended Curved Arrow Notation Questions for Multiple-Choice Exams and Electronic-Response Systems” J. Chem. Educ. 2009, 86 (12), p 1392.
    • Straumanis, A.; Ruder, S.M. “New Bouncing Curved Arrow Technique for the Depiction of Organic Mechanisms” J. Chem. Educ. 2009, 86 (12), p 1389.
    • Moog, R. S.; Creegan, F. J.; Hanson, D. M.; Spencer, J. N.; Straumanis, A.; Bunce, D.M.; Wolfskill, T.; POGIL: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning in Chemists’ Guide to Effective Teaching, volume 2; Pienta, N. J.; Cooper, M. M.; Greenbowe, T. J., eds., Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2009, p. 90-107.
    • Straumanis, A., Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry, Second Edition, Cengage, Boston, 2009.
    • Straumanis, A.; Simons, E. A.; “A Multi-Institutional Assessment of the use of POGIL in Organic Chemistry” in Process-Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning; Moog, R.S.; Spencer, J.N., eds., American Chemical Society Symposium Series, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, 2008.